Category: Education

  • ICS/OT

    I have not even had my new certification for 1 month and I have already earned 13 CPE towards the 60 that is needed to renew it … muahahaha !!! The Industrial Control System/Operational Technology webinar hosted by Michael Holcomb, was extremely informative regarding the differencese between IT and OT. Remember this above all else…

  • Comptia CySA Renewal

    All the months of studying have finally paid off. Finally passed the CySA 003 exam, which renews my Comptia CySA 001, Network, and Security certifications.

  • ISSA 2023 July Chapter Meeting

    I would like to thank Ian Collins for the presentation discussing Managing Cyber Exposure. The presentation discussed Asset Management, Risk Assessment and Risk Management. The Asset Management involved everything from physical devices, to software and external information. Risk Assesment revolved around identifying vulnerablities and threats (risk = threat x vulnerability). Risk Assesment categories discussed included;…

  • Comptia CySA Renewal

    The time has come to renew myComptia CySA+ Certification and I have decided to do that by using their eLearning Bundle. Between the various labs, testing, flash cards and quizzes I look forward to acing this exam again. Might even consider doing annual online labs through them in order to keep certain skills sharp and…